Friday, July 24, 2009

Traffic Talk with a Traffic Cop

How would you like to have the opportunity to ask questions from a traffic officer?
Ever wondered something about traffic law or traffic safety but didn't know where to get the real answers?
Wouldn't it be great if you could send a comment to a traffic officer about a job well done or something you think that could be improved to make Toronto's streets safer?

Well, here is your opportunity!!

"Traffic Talk with a Traffic Cop" is a new initiative here at Traffic Services that will allow you to do just those things.

We welcome your questions, comments and feedback.

I am often asked questions that tell me people just don't have enough understanding of the law and or how and why we do what we do. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. If you are using our roads, we expect you to know the laws: if not for your own personal safety, then for everyone else's.

If I can't answer your question, I will find the experts who can.

When a question comes in that I believe could be of great benefit to the public, I may post the question on this blog with the answer. (Your email address and name will not be used, so your privacy is assured.)

So, lets get going with your questions, concerns, comments, feedback to:
Please ensure the subject line says...Traffic Talk

Also remember to vote on our weekly polls, to the right of the main body of the blog. The way you are thinking about a subject could influence how we do what we do! Results are posted after the poll closes.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


  1. This is a good idea, and certainly a step in the right direction to make traffic police more accessible for the public... but why email?!? Why not allow & encourage people to share their comments, questions & concerns in an open public forum online (blog or discussion space), so that everyone can see the discussion? Your twitter account is a great use of social media for this... keep going in that direction and get a truely open discussion going on this blog or using a forum.

  2. Thanks for the comments! The reason I am starting with email is so that I can better prepare for the next phase...full roll out in a blog form. With the email, I can let a few hours go by without having to ensure everything is checked and replied to. The email will let me get used to the new habit of replying and steps towards a bigger forum.

  3. what is the mandatory age for bicycle helmets

  4. All persons inder the age of 18 must wear helmets on a bicycle. If the person is under the age of 16, it is the parent/gaurdians responsibility to ensure a helmet is worn.

    Helmets used on bicycles must have fastened chin strap and label/certificate from CSA (Standard D113.2–M89), Snell (Standard B–90, B–90S, B–95 or N–94), BSI (Standard BS 6863:1989), ANSI (Standard Z90.4–1984), ASTM (Standard F1447–94), SAA (Standard AS 2063.2–1990), US CPSC (Standard 16 CFR Part 1203.)

    Thanks for the question.
