In a non-scientific poll posted on this site, you were asked...
On May 1, 2009 Sanctions for drinking and driving are you think the new sanctions are:
Long Overdue - 60%
Too harsh - 7%
Don't go far enough - 33%
Go too far - 0%
Wow...according to my math 93% of respondents agree that governments, courts and the public need to be very tough on dealing with people who choose to compromise all our safety by not paying enough heed to the drinking and driving laws. I am looking forward to May 1. Keep an eye on this blog on April 30th for a complete break down on the new suspensions coming into effect for warn range driving!
New poll question:
The provincial seatbelt campaign finishes April 26th. Since the campaign commenced are you:
(Vote on the right side of this blog.)
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